You ever know exactly where you are going but you are lost getting there.
You go there a million of times. Your body can go there without you thinking about it, but you can't remember how you got there.
I been in a maze. Lost but I know how to get out, but I can't get out. I am moving one way and blocked by another dead end. I get going and I am finding my way and another wrong turn.
In this maze there is a lot of clarity. I see who is there for me and who isn't there for me. This maze has taken me to dead ends where I think these people are going to open the door for me to make it easier, but I can see through the window what I haven't been able to see before.
What am I seeing? The truth of what death and grief can make people do. Show me who is there for someone. Who is really there for me! I can say I have a handful of real friends. The rest are just wanting to watch the show unfold. Some are just looking for someone who feels more pain than them. That is all okay, but you have to be honest with yourself because I am honest with myself.
It crazy what this maze will bring you to see but I am still in this maze I been stuck in it most of my adult life. I am trying to get somewhere. I am trying to find a way to see the outside and break free, instead of being stuck and lost.