I am a student at Oregon State University. I am currently in my third term. I have not been in school since 2007. Well, that isn't true. I have done a few technical training schools like Pharmacy Technician, Cosmetology, Nail Technician and Makeup artist trainings.
You can never stop learning and I love learning new things or is it just my ADHD. The world may never know. Either way I am now in a semi real school setting. I have classes like History, Math, Writing.
I am going for a Marketing major looking to specialize in digital marketing. So, I guess creating this type of content is part of it. I feel so lost most days. I am like is there a book, anyone want to form a study group.
I mainly get ignored but that's okay I have made a few good friends who are not from my current location. I think that probably the best part is the networking you get when going fully online.
Its new and exciting and very challenging. I hope I can stick to it because I do get sidetracked very easily. As you can see in my video, I am watching a show on Facebook while attempting to study. Probably not the best way to stay engaged but it is working for me.